Video Vacations
Enjoy your getaway from the written wordJerry Jerry Live on Canadian TV Show
For a group once dubbed the “hardest drinking band in show business,” early morning TV shoots were not our cup of arsenic. But after some initial deadbeat weariness the seven-song set does catch fire and come alive.Closing a Deadly Gateway
This mini-documentary I scripted chronicles the history and mythology of the tiger, the trade in its body parts, and questions whether or not there is any hope for this endangered species to make a comeback. Legendary conservationist Jane Goodall makes a guest appearance in a video narrated by celebrity actor Gordon Pinsent.
Interview with Jim Algie
This episode of the “Bookcase” show aired on May 2, 2012 on Asean TV (TrueVisions99). Hosted by Manote Tripathi, the show stars your favorite weirdsmith.Interview and Pics from BT
Released at the same time as the book, this slide show takes you on a photographic journey through many images and stories from the book, detailing crime, the occult and erotica in Thailand.
The Masseuse Murders
This Crime Investigation Asia show documents the sexploits of Thailand’s second most prolific serial killer of all time. Yours truly is one of the interview subjects.